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University of Windsor

Centre for English Language Development
相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • +1 519- 253-3000
  • Fax
  • +2 519-561-1410
  • Address
  • University of Windsor Centre for English Language Development, 1880 Wyandotte Street West Windsor, Ontario N9B 1J3


  • 大都市
  • 校內宿舍/宿舍
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫
  • 附帶條件大學入學可能


  • - 通過加拿大語言認證
    - 密集語言學習,學術技巧準備和精彩的社交活動
    - 所有級別的英語課程,從低到中高級

 Centre for English Language Development 關於

  • 溫莎大學的英語發展中心為學生提供改善語言能力的正確課程。溫莎大學的英語中心提供最棒的英語培訓。透過提供學生強化語言學習,學術技巧準備和令人興奮的社交活動,充分利用英語學習的優勢。提供的英語課程包括大學預科水平,英語改善計劃(ELIP),TESOL 課程和學術英語準備用途(EAPP)。英語語言改進課程是一個全面的全年英語語言課程,包括各個級別,從低到中高級。該課程是針對所有語言區的綜合課程。每個級別需要 12 週才能完成,並且成功完成最後水平(ELIP 3)將符合溫莎大學的英語水平要求。教授英語作為第二語言的課程,溫莎大學自 1999 年以來開設英語語言中心,並通過加拿大語言認證。


  • 溫莎大學是一所綜合性,以學生為中心的大學,擁有16500多學生就讀於範圍廣泛的本科和研究生課程,包括幾個專業學校,如法律,商業,工程,教育,護理學,人類動力學和社會工作。新的埃德拉姆利中心工程創新,在校園迄今為止最大的投資項目,在2012年的秋天作為創新世界級的樞紐開通,採用最新的課堂教學技術,一個工業庭院與區域協同工作80研究實驗室。 UWindsor將擴大到校園市中心的核心時,視覺藝術,音樂,社會工作,影片的製作程序和中心長官和職業教育的學校,搬進裝修的歷史建築在2014年溫莎大學毗鄰北美最繁忙的國際過境,在安大略省的高速公路401和密歇根州I-75見面了,面對加拿大的底特律河最美麗的濱水區之一。這個位置講的UWindsor的偉大作為一個國際化的,多學科機構,積極使學生和教職員工的廣泛多樣性,使通過教育,學術,研究和參與一個更美好的世界。從多樣性,大學培養教師和學生之間的密切合作的氣氛,創造卓越的氣氛統一在其所有院系,鼓勵終身學習,教學,研究和發現。

入學制度 (附條件)

  • 每個級別需要 12 週才能完成,並且成功完成最後水平(ELIP 3)將符合溫莎大學的英語水平要求。教授英語作為第二語言的課程,溫莎大學自 1999 年以來開設英語語言中心,並通過加拿大語言認證。


  • 課程重點:


    共 12 個星期的課程,提供核心課程與綜合能力,口語交際/上下文結構,電腦語言實驗室和每學期的額外活動。


修業規模 10 Students 修業期間 12, 24, 36, 48 Weeks
修業等級 6 簽證情報 發放錄取通知書
最小年齡 16 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


2025-01-06 2024-09-09 2024-07-02 2024-05-06
※ 計畫行程開學日 12, 24, 36, 48可以選擇週(月)期間



學校註冊費 (CAD)$ 150
學 費
12 Week 24 Week 36 Week 48 Week Week
(CAD)$ 4,450 (CAD)$ 8,900 (CAD)$ 13,350 (CAD)$ 17,800
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
4 weeks (CAD)$ 400


其他 (CAD)$ 240    詳細內容


  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Computer Information Systems
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Computer Information Systems (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science - Applied Computing (Honours)
    $31,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science - Applied Computing (Honours) (Co-op)
    $31,565.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science (General)
    $31,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
    $31,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) (Co-op)
    $31,565.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Software Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Software Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Criminology and Family and Social Relations (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Criminology and Political Science (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Developmental Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Developmental Psychology and Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Developmental Psychology and Family and Social Relations (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Developmental Psychology and Sociology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Disability Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Disability Studies and Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Drama and Communication, Media and Film (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Dramatic Art and English Literature and Creative Writing (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Dramatic Art and French Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - Drama & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Drama in Education and Community (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Dramatic Art (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Economics (Honours)
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Electrical Engineering
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Electrical Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Engineering
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Engineering Technology - General
    $34,000.00 CAD
    $750.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - English Literature and Creative Writing (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature and French Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature and Philosophy (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature and Political Science (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - English Language and Literature and Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Environmental Engineering
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Environmental Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science (Honours)
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts - Family and Social Relations (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Family and Social Relations (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts - Forensics (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Forensics and Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Forensics and Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - French Studies (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - French Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - French Studies and History (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - French Studies and Modern Languages - Italian (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - French Studies and Modern Languages - Spanish (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - French Studies & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - General Science (General)
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages with Second Language Education & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages - German (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages - Italian (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages - Spanish (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Greek and Roman Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History and Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History and Creative Writing (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History and English (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History and Greek and Roman Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History and Political Science (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - History & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Industrial Engineering
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Industrial Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Industrial Engineering - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Industrial Engineering - Business Administration (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts and Science - Interdisciplinary Arts and Science (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - International Relations and Development Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Human Kinetics - Kinesiology (Optional Co-op)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Arts and Professional Studies - Aeronautics Leadership (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics (General)
    Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematics and Computer Science (Honours)
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics & Bachelor of Education
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematics and Statistics (Honours)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematics - Finance
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Aerospace
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Aerospace (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Automotive
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Automotive (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Materials
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Materials (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Environmental
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering - Environmental (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Media Art Histories and Visual Culture (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Sciences - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts - Music (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - History and Music (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music and Communication, Media and Film (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music and Creative Writing (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music and English (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music and French Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music and Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Music & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Music (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy and Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics (Honours)
    Bachelor of Science - Physics (Honours) (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Medical Physics (Honours)
    Bachelor of Science - Medical Physics (Honours) (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics and High Technology (Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology and Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics and High Technology (Honours) (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts and Communication, Media and Film (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration and Mathematics
    $30,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration and Psychology
    $30,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Bilingual Specialization (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Law and Politics Specialization (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology and Criminology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology and Creative Writing (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology and Sociology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology and Visual Arts (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work and Disability Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work and Women's Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology and Communication, Media and Film (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Visual Arts (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts and Communication, Media and Film - Studio Arts (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts and Communication, Media and Film - Film Production and Media Arts (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts and Music (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Forensic Science - Forensic Science in Biology (Honours)
    Bachelor of Forensic Science - Forensic Science in Chemistry (Honours)
    Bachelor of Forensic Science - Forensic Science in Information Technology (Honours)
    Bachelor of Forensic Science - Forensic Science in Life Sciences (Honours)
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Behaviour, Cognition and Neuroscience (Honours)
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry (Honours)
    Bachelor of Science - Integrative Biology - Biological Sciences (Honours)
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry - Health and Biomedical Sciences (Health Stream) (Honours)
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration
    $30,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration (Co-op)
    $30,565.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration and Computer Science
    $30,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration and Computer Science (Co-op)
    $30,565.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Commerce - Business Administration and Economics
    $30,000.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (Honours)
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry and Physics (Honours)
    Bachelor of Arts - Child Psychology (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Civil Engineering (Co-op)
    $29,445.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film (General)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film and Philosophy (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film and Political Science (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film and Psychology (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film and English (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film and Creative Writing (Honours)
    $27,150.00 CAD
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Media and Film & Bachelor of Education
    $27,150.00 CAD


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 83 (Min Writing: 20.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 120


2025-01-02 2024-09-02
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (CAD)$ 75
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 28,880
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering (Optional Co-op)
    Master of Engineering - Materials Engineering
    Master of Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    Master of Management - Business Data Analytics
    $27,000.00 CAD
    $750.00 CAD
    Master of Engineering - Industrial Engineering
    Master of Management - International Accounting and Finance
    $27,000.00 CAD
    Master of Management - Human Resources Management
    $27,000.00 CAD
    Master of Management - Logistics and Supply Chain
    $27,000.00 CAD
    Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    Master of Medical Biotechnology
    $23,250.00 CAD
    Master of Business Administration - Professional Accounting Specialization
    $27,600.00 CAD
    Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Automotive
    Master of Education - Curriculum Studies
    $24,750.00 CAD
    $750.00 CAD
    Master of Education - Education Administration
    $24,750.00 CAD
    $750.00 CAD
    Master of Education - Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society
    $24,750.00 CAD
    $750.00 CAD
    Master of Actuarial Science
    $24,000.00 CAD
    Master of Applied Computing
    $24,000.00 CAD
    Master of Applied Economics and Policy
    $23,250.00 CAD
    Master of Business Administration
    $27,600.00 CAD
    Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering
    Master of Education - International Cohort - Curriculum Studies
    $24,750.00 CAD
    Master of Education - International Cohort - Education Administration
    $24,750.00 CAD
    Master of Education - International Cohort - Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society
    $24,750.00 CAD
    $125.00 CA


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 73.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 92
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 120


2025-01-02 2024-09-02
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (CAD)$ 125
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 34,496
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 宿舍生活在溫莎校園是一個明智的選擇。學生可以展現自己的領導和參加各種學生活動,學校將提供一個安全,舒適的生活環境。學生們可以很容易地通過結識新朋友,適應新環境,並參加了很多活動。溫莎大學有校園其他地方的許多住處。學生不申請校園宿舍生活可以通過下面的連結找到住宿資訊:



  • 溫莎大學毗鄰北I-75公路在密歇根州和加拿大安大略省401公路最繁忙的國際邊界。此外,它正面臨底特律河,最美麗的海濱加拿大之一。這些環境包括溫莎大學和一些住在溫莎大學還積極接受學生的多樣性和教育,學術利益的國際學生,工作穩定變得更加有助於通過研究國際學生。學校的多樣性給人創造一個協作式學習環境,學生要努力學習,也有助於教師從事教學,研究和發展。


  • 溫莎法律,商業,工程,教育,護理,社會工作,比如一些職業學校,其中包括16500多一起註冊學生提供各種全面,以學生為中心的大學本科和研究生課程的大學。愛德Lymley中心工程創新,完成於2012年秋季包括工業庭院,以及實驗室和80實驗室草本植物,合作與最新的技術和設備,一流的技術研發教室,世界級的創新。溫莎視覺藝術,音樂,社會行為,比如電影製作學院的大學搬到新裝修的建築在2014年將校園擴大到市區。


  • 國際學生中心(ISC)為國際學生持續提供支持,成功協助很多學生在適應國際環境的幫助。溫莎是最國際化的大學學生組織之一在加拿大,溫莎大學的國際學生已經到學校的各個方面作出了貢獻。國際學生中心(ISC)支持了一切,從入學的國際學生和學生的畢業甚至開始這項工作了很長的時間才能到學校。從這個國際交流與合作,通過課程研究生溫莎大學,並致力於使各種國際經驗,以及各種戶外活動。溫莎大學的學生將參加了由國際學生中心(ISC)支持的許多活動和服務,並參加了國際學生社團或協會,和國際接軌,也可以接受教育和教師進行協商。


  • 溫莎大學提供機場接送服務,在九月和一月新來的國際學生。申請機場的學生必須事先通知學校有關的抵達的時間。



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