專業顧問    商談諮詢


搜尋國家 美國

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American University

ESL Program at The English Language and Training Academy
相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 12000人
  • 接機
  • No
  • Telephone
  • (202) 895-4970
  • Fax
  • Address
  • 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016


  • 大都市
  • 校內宿舍/宿舍
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫


  • - 提供銜接課程選擇
    - 入學時不需要英語水平考試(托福,雅思等)
    - 為合格的學生提供簽證支持
    - 訪問所有非盟設施,包括圖書館,體育中心,俱樂部和組織以及學術支持和訪問中心
    - U * Pass无限制直流地铁和巴士

 ESL Program at The English Language and Training Academy 關於

  • American University的英語及教育學院(ELTA)是為與美國文化及大學生活保持密切關係,提高學業英語能力的學生準備的集中英語課ESL(英語版第二種語言)。


  • American University (AU) 是位於華盛頓DC 的學生中心研究機構,擁有眾多學校,大學,國際知名教師,以及在世界上產生有意義的變化的聲譽。 本校學生以能夠重新思考全球及國內課題和機會的服務,領導能力及能力優秀。 "在AU,熱情是行動,學生積极參与周邊世界,今天的領袖培養未來的領袖。" 90英畝規模的校園位於華盛頓D.C.的居住區,提供卓越的大學能源,文化和機會,同時提供傳統的大學環境優勢。 我們是距離城市莊嚴地風景並不遙遠地城市親密地共同體。 在美麗的場所(指定植物園)和朋友休息,下次直接去National Mall。 無論是在數世紀前的建築物和最尖端設施學習,還是在博物館和劇場體驗藝術,還是到城市冒險,美國大學都提供了無盡的機會。

入學制度 (附條件)

  • 即使不滿足最低英語條件(IELTS或TOEFL)的情況下,可以在開始選擇的課程之前,在完成相關英語課程的情況下,可以有條件性地選擇一些課程入學。


  • 學習重點:

    U * Pass無限制直流地鐵和巴士






修業規模 12 Students 修業期間 15 Weeks
修業等級 4 簽證情報 發放I-20簽證
最小年齡 18 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


2025-01-13 2024-08-26 2024-05-13
※ 計畫行程開學日 15可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
15 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 9,036
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
10 weeks (USD)$ 2400 (USD)$ 2700
15 weeks (USD)$ 4800


其他 (USD)$ 550    詳細內容


  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Arts in Teaching - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$30,355.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator + Master of Arts in Teaching - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
    TUITION FEE$29,315.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Arts - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$30,355.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator + Master of Arts - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$29,315.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Public Administration
    TUITION FEE$30,355.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator + Master of Public Administration
    TUITION FEE$29,315.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Public Policy
    TUITION FEE$30,355.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator + Master of Public Policy
    TUITION FEE$29,315.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Arts - International Economics (School of International Service)
    TUITION FEE$30,355.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator + Master of Arts - International Economics (School of International Service)
    TUITION FEE$29,315.00 USD

    Advanced Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE$30,355.00 USD

    Master's Accelerator + Master of Science - Data Science
    TUITION FEE$29,315.00 USD


修業期間 52 Weeks 簽證情報 I-20
宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Master's Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Reading: 14.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 14.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Listening: 42, Min Reading: 42, Min Speaking: 42, Min Writing: 42)
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

    Advanced Master's Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 74 (Min Reading: 16.0, Min Writing: 16.0, Min Listening: 16.0, Min Speaking: 16.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 115
    Min PTE overall: 50 (Min Listening: 46, Min Reading: 46, Min Speaking: 46, Min Writing: 46)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    Direct Master's Accelerator 
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80 (Min Reading: 18.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 18.0, Min Speaking: 18.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    Min PTE overall: 55
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-13 2024-08-26 2024-05-13
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 29,315
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
10 weeks (USD)$ 2400 (USD)$ 2700
15 weeks (USD)$ (USD)$ 4800




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Film and Media Arts
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Film and Media Arts
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations and Strategic Communication
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations and Strategic Communication
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - Communication, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - Communication, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Justice and Law
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Justice and Law
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - American Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    American Access First Year - STEM or Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    American Access Extended First Year - STEM or Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    American Access First Year - Business or Finance
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    American Access Extended First Year - Business or Finance
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Arab World Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    American Access First Year - Economics or Humanities and Social Sciences
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Arab World Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    American Access Extended First Year - Economics or Humanities and Social Sciences
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Arabic Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Arabic Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Audio Production
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Audio Production
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Audio Technology
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Audio Technology
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biology
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biology
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computational Science
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computational Science
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Accounting
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Accounting
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language and Communication Media
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Foreign Language and Communication Media
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems and Technology
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Information Systems and Technology
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - International Business
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - International Business
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Graphic Design
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Graphic Design
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Health Promotion
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Health Promotion
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Jewish Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Jewish Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - French/Europe
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - French/Europe
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - German/Europe
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - German/Europe
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - Russian/Area Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - Russian/Area Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - Spanish/Latin America
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Language and Area Studies - Spanish/Latin America
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Literature
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Literature
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Economics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Economics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Music
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Music
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Performing Arts - Musical Theatre
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Performing Arts - Musical Theatre
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Performing Arts - Theatre
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Performing Arts - Theatre
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physics
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physics
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Health
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Health
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    TUITION FEE$53,765.00 USD

    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Russian Studies
    TUITION FEE$48,308.00 USD

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Russian Studies


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Academic Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Reading: 14.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 14.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 90
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Listening: 42, Min Reading: 42, Min Speaking: 42, Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    Extended Accelerator
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 60 (Min Reading: 12.0, Min Writing: 12.0, Min Listening: 12.0, Min Speaking: 12.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 4.5, Min Writing: 4.5, Min Listening: 4.5, Min Speaking: 4.5)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 80
    Min PTE overall: 40 (Min Listening: 36, Min Reading: 36, Min Speaking: 36, Min Writing: 36)
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.

    International Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 110
    Min PTE overall: 54
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-13 2024-08-26 2024-05-13
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 48,308
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
10 weeks (USD)$ 2400 (USD)$ 2700
15 weeks (USD)$ 4800




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 出租公寓或房间

    ELTA Intensive秋季学期及春季学期的学生必须在校园外寻找住房。 美国大学因为在Metro Red路线和Metro巴士两侧便利连接,停车设施较多,几乎可以在华盛顿地铁地区通向校园。 有了居住指南,新闻联播,网络研讨会,在线搜索引擎,个人咨询预订等为学生提供的大量网上资源,找一套方便,优质的住房变得更加容易。 请移动至AU的住宅及餐饮项目办事处,确认所提供的服务。

    学生可以选择寄宿家庭,而不是自己租房或租房。 与美国家庭住在一起,是学生们在非正式环境中练习英语,学习美国文化的好方法。 与霍斯特家庭一起,学生们从地区居民的观点来看华盛顿D.C.,并在此过程中有机会交朋友。 英语教育院不安排,检查或推荐特定寄宿家庭,但有兴趣的学生应联系在华盛顿D.C.地区短期住宅安置学生的地区寄宿家庭公司。

    校园内的住宅在暑期只提供给ELTA学生。 如果您想在集中学习的课程中生活,请提交以下事项。



  • 華盛頓特區是一個有趣而令人興奮的學習場所。 在美國大學,我們認為學習不僅應該在課堂上進行,還應該在社區外進行,因此我們鼓勵學生利用城市的眾多文化和歷史景點。


  • 學生組織

    AU提供Tenleytown地鐵站,Spring Valley大樓,Tenley校區及其主校區之間的免費班車服務。




0 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()

  • Review (0)