專業顧問    商談諮詢


搜尋國家 美國

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University of Delaware

English Language Institute (ELI)
宣傳冊 相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 200-300人
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • (302) 831-2674
  • Fax
  • (302) 831-6765
  • Address
  • 189 West Main Street Newark , DE , 19716-2588


  • 外郊都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫
  • 附帶條件大學入學可能


  • - MBA 預科/準備課程和法律英語課程,得到 ELI 學生很高的評價
    - 距離美國主要的城市,包括華盛頓特區,紐約市,巴爾的摩和費城,只要一點車程時間
    - 提供已經完成 ELI 課程的學生條件式錄取的入學方式,不需要其他托福成績

 English Language Institute (ELI) 關於

  • 德拉瓦大學裡的英語語言學院(ELI)成立於 1979 年,提供最高質量/品質的強化英語課程給攻讀學位的學生,商務、法律專業人士,英語教師和普通英語學習者。其評審成員 CEA 於 1999 年由英語專業人員成立,作為專門的評審機構。 在我們機構中,無論是具有應用語言學碩士或博士學位的 ELI 教師,都會應用英語教學方法,透過有趣和熟練的方式教授英語給國際學生。德拉瓦大學,它的歷史可追溯到 1743 年,是國家高等院校和國際公認的研究機構。特拉華州的教育使命是成為培養學生,能生活在相互聯繫日益緊密和多樣化世界的學校。 UD 位於德拉瓦州的紐瓦克,一個安靜,安全和友好的大學城,具有約 30,000 名人口。學生在課程之外,還可以在附近的休閒區享受生活,在大西洋和賓夕法尼亞州的波科諾山進行各種夏季和冬季活動。

 德拉瓦大學 關於

  • 德拉瓦大學具有良好的學術傳統,1743 年以著小型私人學院的模式創意,到今天成為研究密集型,技術先進的大學。我們的校友告訴我們成功的故事,從第一堂課開始,包括獨立宣言三個簽名和美國憲法的其中一個簽名,以及超過 154,000 個為世界作出重要的貢獻。副總統拜登和他的妻子吉爾,都是UD的校友。大學於 1833 年接受由德拉瓦州的章程,並於 1867 年被指定為國家的歷史贈地學院之一。今日,UD 是陸,海,空得到資助的機構。卡內基教學促進基金會,將 UD 歸類為具有很高研究活動的學校,在美國學院和大學中不到 3% 的研究型大學得到這樣的學術榮譽。 UD 在科學和工程的聯邦研發支持中,位居全美大學的前 100 名。

入學制度 (附條件)

  • 可以透過條件式錄取進入本科/大學和研究所中就讀


  • 課程目標,優勢:

    學術英語課程提供語言教學,在最短時間願意最大化提高自己英語實力的學生。每週上課 28 小時內​​,在校生每班從 10 到 14 名,分為六個不同的級別。課程接受的最低年齡為 18 ,這個約兩月之久的課程主要集中在聽力和口語,讀/寫以及更好地英語溝通和理解能力。每個學生參加兩個課程,並分為兩類:聽力/口語和閱讀/寫作。

    聽力/口語課程提供如流暢,口腔語法,發音和聽力。本課程使用經過驗證的教學方法,幫助學生在運用英語時、有效地溝通想法和需求,解決問題,並參與美國的校園和社區生活。 (每週10小時)

    讀/寫課程幫助學生開法語言能力,如閱讀,寫作,語法,詞彙和研究/圖書館使用能力。透過課程的內容,將提高書面表達和閱讀理解,逐漸具有挑戰性的課程,提供從初級到高級的課程。 (每週10小時)

    毎週 28 小時,上課時間可能隨著每個級別有所不同。


修業規模 10 -14 Students 修業期間 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 Weeks
修業等級 6級 簽證情報 可以申請 I-20
最小年齡 18 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


2026-01-05 2025-10-20 2025-08-25 2025-07-01
2025-05-05 2025-03-03
※ 計畫行程開學日 8, 16, 24, 32, 40可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
8 Week 16 Week 24 Week 32 Week 40 Week
(USD)$ 3,302 (USD)$ 6,207 (USD)$ 9,509 (USD)$ 12,414 (USD)$ 16,510
Week Week Week Week Week


住宿申請費 (USD)$ 250
期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
8 Weeks (USD)$ 1280 (USD)$ 1040


接機 (USD)$ 50


  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Science - Accounting

    Bachelor of Science - Actuarial Sciences

    Bachelor of Arts - Africana Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture and Natural Resources

    Bachelor of Arts - Ancient Greek and Roman Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Animal Biosciences

    Bachelor of Science - Animal Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology

    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology Education (Co-op)

    Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science - Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

    Bachelor of Arts - Art

    Bachelor of Arts - Art Conservation

    Bachelor of Arts - Art History

    Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Astronomy

    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry

    Bachelor of Arts - Biological Sciences

    Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences

    Bachelor of Arts - Biological Sciences Education

    Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Undeclared

    Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering

    Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry

    Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering (Optional Co-op)

    Bachelor of Science - Cognitive Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication

    Bachelor of Arts - Comparative Literature

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering

    Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - Construction Engineering and Management (Co-op)

    Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice

    Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education

    Bachelor of Science - Earth Science Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Economics

    Bachelor of Science - Economics

    Bachelor of Arts - Economics Education (Co-op)

    Bachelor of Secondary Education - Elementary School Education (Co-op)

    Bachelor of Science - Energy and Environmental Policy

    Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Undeclared

    Bachelor of Arts - English

    Bachelor of Arts - English Education (co-op)

    Bachelor of Science - Entrepreneurship

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental and Resource Economics

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science

    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - European Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science

    Bachelor of Science - Fashion Design and Product Innovation

    Bachelor of Science - Fashion Merchandising and Management

    Bachelor of Science - Finance

    Bachelor of Science - Financial Planning and Wealth Management

    Bachelor of Science - Food and Agribusiness Marketing and Management

    Bachelor of Science - Food Science

    Bachelor of Arts - French Education

    Bachelor of Arts - French Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - French and Political Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Geography

    Bachelor of Arts - Geography Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Geological Sciences

    Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences

    Bachelor of Arts - German Education

    Bachelor of Arts - German Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - German and Political Science

    Bachelor of Science - GIScience and Environmental Data Analytics

    Bachelor of Science - Global Enterprise Management

    Bachelor of Science - Health Behavior Science

    Bachelor of Sciences - Health Sciences - Occupational Therapy transfer to Thomas Jefferson University

    Bachelor of Arts - History

    Bachelor of Arts - History Education (Co-op)

    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Business Management

    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Industry Management

    Bachelor of Science - Human Relations Administration

    Bachelor of Science - Human Services

    Bachelor of Science - Information Systems

    Bachelor of Science - Insect Ecology and Conservation

    Bachelor of Science - International Business Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - International Relations

    Bachelor of Arts - Italian Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Italian Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Japanese Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Landscape Architecture

    Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Iberian Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Latin Education (Co-op)

    Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics

    Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics and French

    Bachelor of Science - Management

    Bachelor of Science - Management Information Systems

    Bachelor of Science - Marine Science

    Bachelor of Science - Marketing

    Bachelor of Science - Materials Science and Engineering

    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Economics

    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics Education

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics Education

    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering

    Bachelor of Science - Medical Diagnostics

    Bachelor of Science - Medical Diagnostics - Pre-Physician Assistant

    Bachelor of Science - Medical Laboratory Science

    Bachelor of Science - Meteorology and Climatology

    Bachelor of Arts - Music

    Bachelor of Arts - Music Management

    Bachelor of Music - Music Composition

    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - General/Choral

    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Instrumental

    Bachelor of Music - Music History and Literature

    Bachelor of Music - Music Theory

    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience

    Bachelor of Science - Nursing

    Bachelor of Science - Nursing - Accelerated

    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition

    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition and Dietetics

    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition and Medical Sciences

    Bachelor of Science - Operations Management

    Bachelor of Science - Organizational and Community Leadership

    Bachelor of Science - Pharmaceutical Sciences - Transfer to Thomas Jefferson University Doctor of Pharmacy

    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy

    Bachelor of Arts - Physics

    Bachelor of Science - Physics

    Bachelor of Arts - Physics Education

    Bachelor of Science - Plant Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science Education

    Bachelor of Science - Pre-Veterinary Medicine

    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology

    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy

    Bachelor of Science - Quantitative Biology

    Bachelor of Arts - Russian Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish and Political Science

    Bachelor of Science - Sport Management

    Bachelor of Science - Sports Health

    Bachelor of Science - Statistics

    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Food Systems

    Bachelor of Arts - Three Languages

    Bachelor of Arts - University Studies (Undeclared)

    Bachelor of Science - Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

    Bachelor of Arts - Women and Gender Studies


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 120
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.


2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (USD)$ 75
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 34,160
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Business Administration - Business Analytics

    Master of Business Administration - Entrepreneurial Studies

    Master of Business Administration - Finance

    Master of Business Administration - Healthcare management

    Master of Business Administration - Strategic Leadership

    Dual Degree Master of Business Administration - Business Administration and Master of Science - Accounting

    Dual Degree Master of Business Administration - Business Administration and Master of Science - Business Analytics and Information Management

    Dual Degree Master of Business Administration - Business Administration and Master of Science - Hospitality Business Management

    Dual Degree Master of Business Administration - Business Administration and Master of Science - Finance

    Dual Degree Master of Business Administration - Business Administration and Master of Science - International Business


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 100
    Min IELTS overall: 7.5
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.
    Other test requirements: Either of GRE or GMAT Tests required
    Min GRE requirement: (Min Verbal & Quantitative combined: 306.0, Min Verbal: 151.0, Min Quantitative: 155.0, Min Writing: 4.0)
    Min GMAT requirement Min Total: 550.0 (Min Verbal: [50 %], Min Quantitative: [50 %], Min Writing: [50 %])


2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (USD)$ 75
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 17,100
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • ELI的住宿類型: 1.寄宿家庭  2.學校宿舍 3.郊區公寓。

     - 大學特拉華州宿舍






     - 其他

    裡滕豪斯站生活/學習社區:$ 2,000/期(2個月)

                                                                   保證金:$ 250

    寄宿家庭:$1,280個/ 8週,$1120一體/7週不含餐



    提供了$1,880/ 8週,$1,645/7* 7早餐,每週日晚5餐


     保證金:$ 250


    費用:$ 2,000 /學期,保證金$250 


    工作室綠色套房:1房間$ 1,875 /期(7-8週)

    2人,$ 1,475 /期(7-8週)
    裝修的雙人房$ 1,675 /期(7-8週)
    家庭雙人床單位$ 2,425 /(7-8週)
    西諾爾公寓1室$ 1,700個/次(7-8週)

    2人,$ 1,400名/次(7-8週)

    家庭為單位$ 2,300名/會話(7-8週)

    3人$ 1,200 /會話(7-8週)

    保證金:$ 250家庭為單位押金:$ 500



     - 兩個雙人床(約$64)


     - 禁煙


  • 德拉瓦大學位於德拉瓦州的紐瓦克Newark市,紐瓦克市位於德拉瓦州西北部,這裡是一座擁有 30000 人的寧靜、安全、
    友善的大學城。從紐瓦克乘坐汽車或火車到華盛頓特區和紐約市不過2小時車程(170 公里),距費城和巴爾的摩(80公里)


  • 英語語言學院(ELI)坐落德拉瓦大學校園優美的豪宅,幾個其他建築物的附近。在 ELI 中心的建築物中,
    每間教室都配有無線網絡連接和各種多媒體技術。所有的建築都彼此位在步行距離內。每個 ELI 學生都將收到德拉瓦大學的學生證,
    以及大學的電子郵件帳戶。學生使用身份證,並可以進入特拉華大學的設施和服務,包括:校園內超過 30 個電腦站點,
    學生可以使用網路,收發電子郵件,並完成課堂作業;在 UD 中心校區的莫里斯圖書館,擁有近三百萬藏書和最先進的藏書搜尋技術,
    3 大設備齊全的健身房,兩個室內溜冰場(即使在夏天也可以使用),室內和室外游泳池,許多足球場,籃球場,網球場;
    一個音樂廳,兩個劇院,專業的藝術中心與眾多的藝術和文化活動;食堂和遍布校園的美食廣場,以及免費的 UD 班車/接駁車。


  • 國籍和年齡結構隨著不同的時期,課程和水平而有所變化。

Getting to the school from the airport

  • 費城國際機場只可能在回升(費城機場),並拿起機構,並且如果延遲被取消,該機已經拿到不一定會改變調用(302)454-7800 公司在特拉華州快線班車為$45退款請注意,不是。






0 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()

  • Review (0)