專業顧問    商談諮詢


搜尋國家 美國

reviews (4.8)


University of New Haven

折價 3D視圖 宣傳冊 相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 300人
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • +1 609 750 3566
  • Fax
  • +1 609 750 3599
  • Address
  • 1211 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, CT 06516


  • 外郊都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學內設立之語學院
  • 附帶條件大學入學可能


  • - 參觀大學課堂
    - 透過112級 ELS有條件錄取,不需要托福成績
    - 免費使用所有校園設施
    - 除了學術課程以外,還有許多的活動
    - 密集英語課程贏得學生的高人氣

紐黑文大學 關於

  • 紐黑文大學(University of New Haven,UNH)創立於1920年,是一間私立的綜合性大學,坐落於康乃狄克州的紐黑文市。UNH共有五個學院,涵括的領域相當廣泛,所提供的學士和碩士學位十分多元。UNH的六千名學生中,有550名來自50國的國際大學生和碩士生。多年來,這些來自世界各地的國際學生,都選擇在UNH針對母國或國際社會所需的相關領域中學習,並為未來就業做準備。這些學生為UNH的文化和學術加入重要的多元元素。做為回報,UNH也致力於提供學生高品質的教育、交通便利的地理位置,以及適宜的環境,讓學生在當中學習與成長。

入學制度 (附條件)

  • 完成此課程112 級的學生會獲得一份證書,上面寫明他們已經達到了 650 多所學院和大學的語言要求,視為大學或是碩士入學所需英語熟練程度的證明。



  • 課程重點:
    此課程旨在協助學生進入大學或銜接課程就讀所需的英文學術技巧, 最適合為了進入美國的學院或大學進修而想學習英語的學生。
    自信地開始您的學術生涯。 在學習重要英語技巧和參與實用而生活化的對話過程中達到英語熟練程度目標。 培養能夠讓您在學院或大學中順利學習所需的準確性和有效性。 以 112 級完成此課程的學生會獲得一份證書,上面寫明他們已經達到了 650 多所學院和大學的語言要求。 

    將提供各級學生語言技術中心和讀/寫的課程。在 101 至 103 級,學生們學習初級對話和另一項技巧。 在 104 至 106 級,學生們的學習重點是學術聽、說、讀、寫技巧。 從 107 至 112 級開始,學生們著手提高聽、說、讀、寫、演講和筆記等學術技巧。
    8:30 – 9:20 語法結構/口語練習
    9:30 – 10:20 語法結構/口語練習
    10:30 – 11:20 豐富辭彙
    11:30 – 12:20 語言科技中心
    12:20 – 1:30 午餐
    1:30 – 2:30 閱讀/寫作
    2:40 – 3:45 閱讀/寫作


修業規模 15 Students 修業期間 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 Weeks
修業等級 12級 簽證情報 發放入學通知書
最小年齡 16 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


2025-01-16 2024-08-28 2024-05-08
※ 計畫行程開學日 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40可以選擇週(月)期間



學校註冊費 (USD)$ 175
學 費
4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16 Week 20 Week
(USD)$ 1,840 (USD)$ 3,680 (USD)$ 5,244 (USD)$ 6,992 (USD)$ 8,280
24 Week 28 Week 32 Week 36 Week 40 Week
(USD)$ 9,936 (USD)$ 10,948 (USD)$ 12,512 (USD)$ 14,076 (USD)$ 15,640


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
4 week (USD)$ 985 (USD)$ 1170


接機 (USD)$ 200
其他 (USD)$ 315    詳細內容


  • *日期和費用為近似值如有更改恕不另行通知


  • Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    Bachelor of Science - Finance
    Bachelor of Science - Fire Protection Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Fire Science - Fire Administration
    Bachelor of Science - Forensic Science
    Bachelor of Science - General Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - History
    Bachelor of Arts - Interior Design
    Bachelor of Science - Legal Studies - Public Affairs
    Bachelor of Science - Business Management - General
    Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Music
    Bachelor of Arts - Music Industry
    Bachelor of Arts - Music and Sound Recording
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology - Community-Clinical Psychology
    Bachelor of Science - Sport Management
    Bachelor of Arts - Theater Arts
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics - Behavioral Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics - General
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics - Economic Sustainability
    Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics - Global Supply Chain Analytics
    Bachelor of Arts - Graphic Design - Digital Art and Design
    Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics - Marketing Analytics
    Bachelor of Arts - Interior Design - Pre-Architecture
    Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics - Sport Management
    Bachelor of Science - Music and Sound Recording
    Bachelor of Science - Business Management - Esports Management
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Drawing
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Cellular and Molecular Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - Cybersecurity
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Illustration
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing - Marketing Analytics
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science - General
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Painting
    Bachelor of Science - National Security Studies - Intelligence Analysis
    Bachelor of Arts - Dental Hygiene
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Sculpture
    Bachelor of Science - National Security Studies - International Security and Justice
    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality and Tourism Management - General
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Crime Analysis
    Bachelor of Science - Cybersecurity and Networks
    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Investigative Services
    Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Business (Undecided)
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
    Bachelor of Science - Industrial and Systems Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice (Undecided)
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Police Science
    Bachelor of Science - International Business - Accounting
    Bachelor of Engineering - Criminal Justice (Undecided)
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Crime Victim Services
    Bachelor of Science - International Business - Economics
    Bachelor of Arts - Undeclared
    Bachelor of Science - Business Management - Sport Management
    Bachelor of Science - International Business - Finance
    Bachelor of Science - Undeclared
    Bachelor of Science - Business Management - Human Resource Management
    Bachelor of Science - International Business - Management
    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality and Tourism Management - Event and Tourism Management
    Bachelor of Science - International Business - Marketing
    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality and Tourism Management - Food Service Management
    Bachelor of Science - International Business - Sport Management
    Bachelor of Science - Hospitality and Tourism Management - Hotel and Resort Management
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Writing
    Bachelor of Science - Legal Studies - Dispute Resolution
    Bachelor of Science - Legal Studies - Paralegal Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Marine Affairs
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology - Forensic Psychology
    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology - General
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - General
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental/Pre-Veterinary Medical Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science - Paramedicine
    Bachelor of Science - Fire Science - Fire/Arson Investigation
    Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    Bachelor of Arts - Art
    Bachelor of Science - Genetics and Biotechnology
    Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Film & Media Studies - Digital Media
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Film & Media Studies - Interpersonal Communication
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Film & Media Studies - Journalism
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication, Film & Media Studies - Public Relations
    Bachelor of Science - Communication, Film & Media Studies - Film Production
    Bachelor of Science - Communication, Film & Media Studies - TV/Video Production
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice - Correction Rehabilitation and Supervision
    Bachelor of Science - Dental Hygiene
    Bachelor of Arts - Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics - General
    Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 75
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.


2025-01-16 2024-08-28
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (USD)$ 50
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 43,179
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Science - Data Science
    Master of Healthcare Administration
    $32,940.00 USD
    Master of Public Health
    $37,980.00 USD
    Master of Business Administration - Accounting
    Master of Business Administration - Business Intelligence
    Master of Business Administration - Business Policy and Strategic Leadership
    Master of Business Administration - Finance
    Master of Business Administration - Marketing
    Master of Business Administration - Human Resource Management
    Master of Business Administration - International Business
    Master of Business Administration - Sport Management
    Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science - Cellular and Molecular Biology
    Master of Science - Business Analytics - Global Supply Chain Analytics
    Master of Arts - Community Psychology - Community-Clinical Services
    Master of Science - Business Analytics - Marketing Analytics
    Master of Science - Computer Science
    Master of Science - Criminal Justice - Criminal Justice Management
    Master of Science - Criminal Justice - Forensic Computer Investigation
    $16,020.00 USD
    Master of Science - Criminal Justice - Forensic Psychology
    Master of Science - Criminal Justice - Victimology
    Master of Science - Electrical Engineering
    Master of Science - Engineering and Operations Management
    Master of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Ecology
    Master of Science - Emergency Management
    Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Science - Forensic Science
    Master of Science - Forensic Technology
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology - General
    Master of Science - Sport Management
    Master of Science - Sport Management - Collegiate Athletic Administration
    Master of Science - Sport Management - Facility Management
    Master of Science - Sport Management - Sport Analytics
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Master of Science - National Security - General
    Master of Public Administration - General
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration & Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $16,020.00 USD
    Dual Degree - Master of Business Administration & Master of Public Administration
    $16,020.00 USD
    Master of Science - Fire Science - Fire and Explosion Investigation
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Industrial and Hazardous Wastes
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Water and Wastewater Treatment
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Water Resources
    Master of Science - Accounting - Corporate Accounting
    Master of Science - Accounting - Forensic Accounting
    Master of Science - Accounting - Taxation
    Master of Science - Civil Engineering
    Master of Science - Cybersecurity and Networks
    Master of Business Administration - General
    Master of Arts - Community Psychology - Forensic Psychology
    Master of Arts - Community Psychology - Program Development
    Master of Science - Criminal Justice - General
    Master of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Geoscience
    Master of Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Health and Management
    Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    Master of Science - Environmental Science - General
    Master of Science - Environmental Science - Geographical Information Systems and Applications
    Master of Science - Fire Science - Public Safety Management
    Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology - Industrial - Human Resources Psychology
    Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology - Organizational Development and Consultation
    Master of Arts - Industrial/Organizational Psychology - Psychology of Conflict Management
    Master of Science - National Security - Information Protection and Security
    Master of Public Administration - Municipal Management
    Master of Public Administration - Nonprofit Organizational Management
    Master of Public Administration - Public Finance and Fiscal Analytics
    Master of Public Administration - Public Safety
    Master of Science - Taxation


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 105
    NOTE: Applicants interested in applying for direct admission, but are yet to complete an acceptable language test, can do so, but must provide valid results before receiving a final offer letter.
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.


2025-01-16 2024-08-28
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (USD)$ 50
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 17,370
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 學生宿舍(校外)
    地點:Premiere Hotel 3 Long Wharf Dr New Haven, CT 06511 
    在校外的Premiere Hotel 首映酒店提供共享的雙人套房以及套房。客房內設有兩張床,2個梳妝台,書桌,檯燈,2壁櫥,有線電視,高
    速有線網絡,設備齊全的廚房和一張沙發。還包括週一 - 週四每日自助早餐和晚餐。客房每週清潔一次。床單,碗盆,盤,杯,銀器和
    宿舍La Quinta酒店的雙人房住宿。

    地點:La Quinta Inn (Overflow) 400 Sargent Drive New Haven, CT 06511 



  • ELS/New Haven中心座落於康乃狄克州西哈芬市(West Haven, CT)的University of New Haven (UNH)校園內,該校鄰近的新哈芬市(New Haven)以其延續傳統的國家教育與文化中心聞名,共有六所大專院校,其中包括耶魯大學(Yale University ),此外在新哈芬綠地還有眾多免費的音樂會和藝術節慶,到紐約市與波士頓都很方便。


  • 籃球場,食堂,計算機中心,健身中心,體育館,語言技術中心,圖書館,音樂練習室,球/壁球場,娛樂公園,跑道,小吃店,足球場,游泳池,網球場,輪椅通道


  • 來自世界各地不同國籍和文化背景的學生,選擇ELS課程作為學習英語的新環境。學生的國籍,包括阿拉伯語(78%),中國(6%)和西班牙(5%)。該百分比可能每個月變化。



Image 2015-12-21 14:05:13


Q: 想請問關於住宿及學校近環境的問題,我有打算明年二月的時候去紐黑文大學就讀語言學校,但想先請問關於學校校內住宿的類型,以及學校附近環境的問題?? A: 您好,感謝您來訊息詢問,關於紐黑文大學的住宿問題以及學校周邊環境的問題,以下為您做個說明。 在校外的首映酒店提供共享的雙人套房以及套房,客房內設有兩張床,兩個梳妝台,書桌檯燈,兩個壁櫥有線電視,高速有線網絡,設備齊全的廚房和一張沙發。還包括週一到週四每日自助早餐和晚餐。 鄰近的新哈芬市以其延續傳統的國家教育與文化中心聞名,還有眾多免費的音樂會和藝術節慶,到紐約市與波士頓都很方便。


1 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (4)

  • Review (4.8)

  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (4)

  • 學校評價 (4.8)

Image 2015-12-21 14:16:06



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