專業顧問    商談諮詢


搜尋國家 美國

reviews (4.8)


University of Arizona (CESL)

Center for English as a Second Language
3D視圖 宣傳冊 相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 75-100人
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • +1 520-621-3637
  • Fax
  • +1 520-621-9180
  • Address
  • P.O. Box 210024 1100E James E Rogers Way Tucson , AZ , 85721-0024


  • 大都市
  • 校內宿舍/宿舍
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫
  • 附帶條件大學入學可能


  • - 坐落在亞利桑那大學校園的中心,享有 CESL 專門為英語培訓,美國文化研究和特別課程提供的現代化教學設施。
    - 所有 CESL 教師至少有外國和第二語言教育的碩士和/或博士學位證書。這代表將基於課程和學生的需求,提供創新的課程。
    - CESL 透過全面化的課程提供卓越的英語教學,幫助學生走向學術和專業上的成功。

 Center for English as a Second Language 關於

  • 自 1970 年的秋天,當位於墨西哥的 SONORA 州立大學派出 22 名工程學院學生到 UA ,讓他們在研究生學位開始之前提升英語語言能力的那時起,CESL 在亞利桑那大學培養了來自將近 100 個國家的數千名本科生/大學生和研究生。作為一個自籌資金單位,CESL 投資在全球市場和招聘工作。近年來,隨著招生代理和附屬協議的關係中,CESL 已經幫 UA 招收很多學生。CESL 中,間接轉入大學的學生數最終轉化成數千美元的學費。坐落在亞利桑那大學校園的中心,享有 CESL 專門為英語培訓,美國文化研究和特別課程提供的現代化教學設施。CESL 在亞利桑那大學校園的中心運營教室和管理 19547 平方英尺的大樓。因著建築物的內在價值和西南部的建築之美。已經註冊在美國的國家史蹟名錄中。亞利桑那大學提供了最新的設施,為學習英語培訓,學習美國文化,對位於亞利桑那大學學生中歐法學院的具體方案,以及全中歐法學院講師有至少一個第二語言教學碩士或博士學位這意味著織成根據許多研究和學生需求的課程。中歐法學院提供通過對學生的學業成功和專業成就一個綜合性的課程最好的英語培訓。


  • 亞利桑那大學(也被稱為UA)位於亞利桑那州的圖森,是為了高等教育和研究而設立的贈地大學及太空輔助公立機構。亞利桑那大學是亞利桑那州的第一所大學,始建於1885年(27年前亞利桑那州還沒有升格為州的時候)。這所大學包括亞利桑那大學醫學院,是三級醫療學校和亞利桑那州的唯一授予 MD 的醫學院。截至2010年秋季,入學總人數為 39086 名。亞利桑那大學由亞利桑那州的校董委員會管轄。亞利桑那大學的使命是,“探索,教育,服務和激勵。”亞利桑那州是美國大學協會(北美首屈一指的研究機構組成的組織)的當選成員之一,是亞利桑那州唯一的代表。

入學制度 (附條件)

  • 條件式入學指的是英語能力條件式錄取。這是亞利桑那州授予國際招生辦公室辦理,提供給學術上符合受理條件,但沒有符合英語水平要求的學生,透過條件式入學進入本科/大學就讀。



  • 課程重點:
    CESL 透過全面化的課程提供卓越的英語教學,幫助學生走向學術和專業上的成功。按照亞利桑那大學的語言和專業發展的需要,提供課程和全球化學習環境。透過校園內外的靈敏度,敬業,協作運作校園的文化,語言多樣性和理解環境。CESL 課程的其中一個重要特點是靈活度。CESL 的課程是主動學習模式,需要強烈的學生參與,以提高個人的語言技巧。

    除了全日制課程,CESL 的學生還可以選擇其他的基本課程,不收取額外的費用,花時間在獨立研究的實驗室,或者乾脆只專心修習所需的核心課程。學生為不同的個體,並起不同的速度進步。有些學生將需要長一點的學習時間,才能達成一定的英語水平。學生在中級和高級水平時,預期將至少重複修習一個級別的課程。

    CESL 透過全面化的課程提供卓越的英語教學,幫助學生走向學術和專業上的成功。根據學生的分班測驗,將學生分為 8個不同的級別。 毎班將有 15至18名學生的小班授課形式,讓學生和教師之間有更多的互動。課程包括口語交際,書面溝通,閱讀技巧,語法和學術能力等課程內容。



修業規模 12 Students 修業期間 8, 16 Weeks
修業等級 5 簽證情報 可以申請 I-20
最小年齡 17 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


※ 計畫行程開學日 8, 16可以選擇週(月)期間



學校註冊費 (USD)$ 110
學 費
8 Week 16 Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 2,800 (USD)$ 5,600
Week Week Week Week Week


住宿申請費 (USD)$ 180
期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
8 weeks (meals included) (USD)$ 3,250


其他 (USD)$ 906    詳細內容


  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Bachelor of Music - Music Education
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Creative Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Integrated Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Theory Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Musical Theatre
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources - Conservation Biology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources - Ecology, Management and Restoration of Rangelands Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources - Fisheries Conservation and Management Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources - Global Change Ecology and Management Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources - Watershed Hydrology and Management Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Natural Resources - Wildlife Conservation and Management Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science - Cognition Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science - Computation Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science - Development and Aging Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science - Language and Communication Science Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science - Neurobiology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science - Philosophy of Mind Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    Bachelor of Science - Nursing - Integrative Health Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition and Food Systems
    Bachelor of Science - Optical Sciences & Engineering - Optical Materials Track
    Bachelor of Science - Optical Sciences & Engineering - Optical Mechanics Track
    Bachelor of Science - Optical Sciences & Engineering - Optics Track
    Bachelor of Science - Optical Sciences & Engineering - Opto-Electronics Track
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Bassoon Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Cello Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Clarinet Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Composition Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Euphonium Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Flute Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - French Horn Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Guitar Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Harp Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Harpsichord Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Jazz Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Oboe Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Organ Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Percussion Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Piano Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Saxophone Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - String Bass Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Trombone Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Trumpet Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Tuba Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Viola Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Violin Emphasis
    Bachelor of Music - Performance - Voice Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Personal and Family Financial Planning
    Bachelor of Science - Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law
    Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy - Ethics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - American Politics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Comparative Politics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Foreign Affairs Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Ideas and Methods Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - International Relations Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Law and Public Policy Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Psychological Science
    Bachelor of Science - Public Health - Environmental and Occupational Health Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Public Health - Health Promotion Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Public Health - Quantitative Methods in Public Health Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation Studies and Services
    Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Russian - Culture Focused Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Russian - Language Focused Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - Hispanic Linguistics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - Hispanic Literature Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - Spanish and Portuguese Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Spanish - Translation and Interpretation Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
    Bachelor of Arts - Statistics and Data Science
    Bachelor of Science - Statistics and Data Science
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Accounting
    Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art
    Bachelor of Science - Aerospace Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art - 3D and Extended Media Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art - Illustration and Design Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Agribusiness Economics and Management - Agribusiness Management Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art - Photography, Video and Imaging Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Agribusiness Economics and Management - Agricultural Economics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Studio Art - Two-dimensional Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Systems Management
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Built Environments
    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Technology Management and Education - Agricultural Technology Management Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Built Environments - Heritage Conservation Emphasis
    Agricultural Technology Management and Education: Leadership and Communication Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Technology Management and Education - Teaching Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Built Environments - Sustainable Communities Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - American Indian Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Built Environments - Sustainable Landscapes Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences - Animal Industry Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences - Equine Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Plant Systems - Agronomy Option
    Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences - Race Track Industry Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Plant Systems - Controlled Environment Agriculture Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Animal Sciences - Science and Pre-professional Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Sustainable Plant Systems - Fresh Produce Safety
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Bachelor of Science - Systems Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Anthropology - Archaeological Sciences Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre Arts
    Bachelor of Science - Anthropology - Human Biology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre Production - Design and Technical Production Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Applied Humanities - Business Administration Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre Production - Professional Actors Training Program Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Applied Humanities - Fashion Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Urban and Regional Development
    Bachelor of Arts - Applied Humanities - Public Health Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - World Literature
    Bachelor of Arts - Applied Humanities - Spatial Organization and Design Thinking Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics
    Bachelor of Arts - Arabic
    Bachelor of Science - Architectural Engineering
    Bachelor of Architecture - Architecture
    Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art and Visual Culture Education - Community Museums Emphasis
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art and Visual Culture Education - Teaching Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Astronomy
    Bachelor of Arts - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Bioinformatics - Computer Science Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Bioinformatics - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Bioinformatics - Molecular and Cellular Biology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Bioinformatics - Systems Biology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Biomedical Sciences Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Organismal Biology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Biosystems Analytics & Technology
    Bachelor of Science - Biosystems Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Business Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Business Management
    Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Classics - Classical Civilization Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Classics - Classical Languages Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice Studies
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dance
    Bachelor of Science - Education - Deaf Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Education - Deaf Studies - Educational Interpreting Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Education - Early Childhood Education
    Bachelor of Arts - East Asian Studies - Chinese Culture Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - East Asian Studies - Chinese Language Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - East Asian Studies - East Asian Cultural Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - East Asian Studies - Japanese Culture Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - East Asian Studies - Japanese Language Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    Bachelor of Arts - Education - Elementary Education - Bilingual Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Education - Elementary Education - English as a Second Language Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Engineering Management
    Bachelor of Arts - English
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration -Entrepreneurship
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Engineering
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - Physical and Chemical Dynamics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science - The Biosphere Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental and Water Resource Economics
    Bachelor of Science - Family Studies and Human Development
    Bachelor of Arts - Film and Television
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Film and Television
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    Bachelor of Science - Food Safety
    Bachelor of Arts - Food Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - French - French and Francophone Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - French - Language, Literature and Cultures Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Gender & Women's Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Gender & Women's Studies - Chicana and Latina Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Gender & Women's Studies - Queer, Trans and Sexuality Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of General Studies - General Studies - Arts, Media and Entertainment Emphasis
    Bachelor of General Studies - General Studies - Economy and Industry Emphasis
    Bachelor of General Studies - General Studies - Global and Intercultural Understanding Emphasis
    Bachelor of General Studies - General Studies - Science, Technology, Health and Society Emphasis
    Bachelor of General Studies - General Studies - Social Behavior and Human Understanding Emphasis
    Bachelor of General Studies - General Studies - Sports and Society Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    Bachelor of Science - Geography - Geographic Information Science Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Geography - Physical Geography Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Geography - Water, Environment and Society Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Geosciences - Earth, Ocean, and Climate Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Geosciences - Geology Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Geosciences - Geophysics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - German Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies - Global Cultures - Literature, Arts, and Film Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies - Global Health and Development Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies - Global Political Economy and Institutions Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies - Global Societies - Human Rights, Migrations, and Social Movements Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences - Atmospheric Sciences Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences - Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Information Science and Arts
    Bachelor of Science - Information Science and Technology
    Bachelor of Arts - Italian - Italian Studies Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Italian - Language and Literature Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Broadcast Journalism Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Digital Journalism Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - General Journalism Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism - Global Journalism Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Judaic Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Latin American Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics - Academic/Professional Linguistics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics - General Linguistics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics - Linguistics and Languages Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - -Business Administration - Management Information Systems
    Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Applied Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Applied Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Comprehensive Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Comprehensive Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Computer Science Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Computer Science Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Economics and Business Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Economics and Business Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Education Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Education Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Life Sciences Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Life Sciences Emphasis
    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Probability and Statistics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Probability and Statistics Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Arts - Mexican American Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    Bachelor of Arts - Middle Eastern and North African Studies
    Bachelor of Science - Mild Moderate Disabilities
    Bachelor of Science - Mining Engineering - Geomechanics Track
    Bachelor of Science - Mining Engineering - Mine Operations Track
    Bachelor of Science - Mining Engineering - Mineral Processing Track
    Bachelor of Science - Mining Engineering - Sustainable Resource Dev Track
    Bachelor of Science - Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Molecular and Cellular Biology - Education and Communication Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Molecular and Cellular Biology - Genetics and Human Health Emphasis
    Bachelor of Science - Molecular and Cellular Biology - Systems and Big Data Biology Emphasis


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 70
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:


※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (USD)$ 85
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 37,122
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Public Health - Public Health - Public Health Policy and Mgmt
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Public Health Practice
    Master of Public Health - Public Health- Environmental and Occupational Health
    Master of Arts - Rhetoric, Composition and Teaching of English
    Master of Arts - Russian
    Master of Education - Secondary Education
    Master of Education - Secondary Education - Alternative Certification
    Master of Science - Soil, Water and Environmental Science
    Master of Arts - Spanish
    Master of Arts - Special Education - Mild-Moderate Disabilities
    Master of Arts - Special Education - Severe & Multiple Disabilities
    Master of Arts - Special Education - Visual Impairment
    Master of Science - Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
    Master of Science - Statistics
    Master of Science - Statistics and Data Science
    Master of Arts - Teaching & Teacher Education - Teachers in Industry
    Master of Education - Teaching & Teacher Education
    Master of Arts - Teaching English as a Second Language
    Master of Fine Arts - Theatre Arts - Theatre Design and Production
    Master of Science - Urban Planning
    Master of Science - Water, Society and Policy
    Master of Science - Accounting
    Master of Science - Agricultural Education - Professional Agriculture
    Master of Science - Cellular & Molecular Medicine
    Master of Arts - Education Policy
    Master of Education - Educational Leadership
    Master of Arts - Educational Psychology
    Master of Engineering - Engineering - Innovation, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship
    Master of Engineering - Engineering - Mining, Geological and Geophysical Engineering
    Master of Science - Engineering Management
    Master of Arts - English
    Master of Science - Entomology & Insect Science
    Master of Science - Geographic Information Systems Technology
    Master of Science - Human Language Technology
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    Master of Laws - Law - International Trade & Business Law
    Master of Arts - Library & Information Science
    Master of Science - Materials Science and Engineering
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Master of Science - Photonic Communications Engr
    Master of Science - Systems Engineering
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences - Controlled Environmental Agriculture
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences - Diagnostic Laboratory Sciences
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences - Industrial Microbial Biotechnology
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences - Medical Microbiology & Immunology
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences - Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Professional Science Master - Applied Biosciences - Sustainable Bioeconomy and Bioenergy Emphasis
    Professional Science Master - Economic Geology
    Professional Science Master - Medical Physics
    Master of Accounting - Accounting
    Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    Master of Science - Agricultural & Resource Economics - Applied Econometrics and Data Analytics
    Master of Science - Agricultural & Resource Economics - Applied Economics and Policy Analysis
    Master of Agricultural Education - Agricultural Education - Career & Technical Education
    Master of Agricultural Education - Agricultural Education - Practitioner Emphasis
    Master of Science - Agricultural Education - Research Emphasis
    Master of Arts - American Indian Studies
    Master of Arts - Anthropology
    Master of Arts - Applied Intercultural Arts Research (MA)
    Master of Science - Applied Mathematics
    Master of Architecture - Architecture (MAR)
    Master of Science - Architecture
    Master of Science - Architecture - Design and Energy Conservation
    Master of Science - Architecture - Emerging Building Technologies
    Master of Science - Architecture - General
    Master of Science - Architecture - Health & the Built Environment
    Master of Science - Architecture - Heritage Conservation
    Master of Science - Architecture - Sustainable Market Transformation
    Master of Science - Architecture - Urban Design
    Master of Fine Arts - Art
    Master of Arts - Art and Visual Culture Education (MA) - Art and Visual Culture Studies
    Master of Arts - Art and Visual Culture Education (MA) - Certification
    Master of Arts - Art and Visual Culture Education (MA) - Community and Museums
    Master of Arts - Art and Visual Culture Education
    Master of Arts - Art Education
    Master of Arts - Art Education - Art and Visual Culture Studies
    Master of Arts - Art Education - Certification
    Master of Arts - Art Education - Community and Museums
    Master of Arts - Art History
    Master of Science - Atmospheric Sciences
    Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    Master of Science - Biostatistics
    Master of Science - Biosystems Analytics & Tech
    Master of Science - Biosystems Engineering
    Master of Science - Business Analytics
    Master of Science - Cellular & Molecular Medicine - Medical Track
    Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    Master of Arts - Chemistry
    Master of Science - Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
    Master of Arts - Classics
    Master of Science - Clinical Translational Sciences
    Master of Arts - Communication
    Master of Science - Computer Science
    Master of Arts - Counseling - Rehabilitation & Mental Health Emphasis
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing
    Master of Fine Arts - Dance
    Master of Arts - East Asian Studies
    Master of Science - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
    Master of Science - Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
    Master of Engineering - Engineering - Aerospace Systems
    Master of Engineering - Engineering - Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
    Master of Engineering - Engineering - Engineering Management
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering
    Master of Science - Environmental Health Sciences
    Master of Science - Epidemiology
    Master of Science - Finance
    Master of Arts - French
    Master of Arts - Gender & Women's Studies
    Master of Science - Genetic Counseling
    Master of Arts - Geography
    Master of Science - Geosciences
    Master of Arts - German Studies
    Master of Arts - Government and Public Policy
    Master of Science - Public Health - Health Behavior Health Promotion
    Master of Arts - Higher Education
    Master of Arts - History
    Master of Science - Hydrology (Thesis)
    Master of Science - Hydrology (Non-thesis)
    Master of Science - Hydrometeorology
    Master of Science - Information
    Master of Arts - Journalism
    Master of Arts - Journalism - Digital Journalism
    Master of Arts - Journalism - Global Journalism
    Master of Arts - Journalism - Science & Environmental Journalism
    Master of Landscape Architecture - Landscape Architecture
    Master of Arts - Latin American Studies
    Master of Laws - Law - Indigenous Peoples' Law & Policy
    Master of Arts - Linguistics - Native American Linguistics and Languages
    Master of Science - Marketing
    Master of Arts - Mathematics
    Master of Science - Mathematics
    Master of Science - Medical Pharmacology
    Master of Science - Medical Pharmacology - Perfusion
    Master of Science - Mexican American Studies
    Master of Science - Microbiology
    Master of Arts - Middle Eastern and North African Studies
    Master of Science - Mining Geological/Geophysical Engineering
    Master of Music - Music
    Master of Music - Music - Composition
    Master of Music - Music - Conducting
    Master of Music - Music - Ethnomusicology
    Master of Music - Music - Music Education
    Master of Music - Music - Musicology
    Master of Music - Music - Performance
    Master of Music - Music - Theory
    Master of Science - Natural Resources - Ecology, Management & Restoration of Rangelands
    Master of Science - Natural Resources - Fisheries Conservation & Management
    Master of Science - Natural Resources - Natural Resources Studies
    Master of Science - Natural Resources - Watershed Management & Ecohydrology
    Master of Science - Natural Resources - Wildlife Conservation & Management
    Master of Science - Nursing - Entry to the Profession of Nursing
    Master of Science - Nutritional Sciences
    Master of Arts - Persian and Iranian Studies
    Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Sciences - Health and Pharm Outcomes
    Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Sciences - Non-Thesis
    Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Sciences - Pharm Econ Policy & Outcomes
    Master of Arts - Philosophy
    Master of Science - Physiological Sciences
    Master of Science - Planning
    Master of Science - Plant Pathology
    Master of Science - Plant Science
    Master of Public Administration - Public Administration
    Master of Public Health - Public Health
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Biostatistics
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Epidemiology
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Family and Child Health
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Family and Child Health Global
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Health Behavior Health Promotion
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Industrial Hygiene
    Dual program Master of Public Health - Public Health - MEDMD & Master of Public Health - Public Health - PHLMPH
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - One Health


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79 (Min Reading: 15.0, Min Writing: 15.0, Min Listening: 15.0, Min Speaking: 15.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 7 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費 (USD)$ 95
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 33,800
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 公寓租賃
    學生應該預估毎個月約$ 600 - 1000 美元的房租費用。如果是獨自住在一室公寓或一間臥室的公寓,加上水電費的預算約為 800 美元。每月租金變化取決於租賃的長度;與同學合租公寓的人數;公寓是否具有一個或多個臥室,或者如果有附上家具,以及租金中是否包含水電費用。位於校園附近的可用的公寓有限,並且通勤交通也是一個重要的考量。如果學生沒有車或不打算騎自行車,他們必須尋找可以直達學校,在巴士路線旁的公寓。亞利桑那大學校外住宿處,提供公寓相關的信息/資訊,公寓協尋,或者徵詢室友。附有家具並靠近大學的公寓,方便騎自行車,或搭乘公共汽車直達大學。有2個,3個和4間臥室的公寓,共享的起居區和設施齊全的廚房。每名學生簽訂了自理的合同。每個學生都有自己的臥室,並可能有自己的浴室,但最多不超過一人一起共用浴室。以上兩的原因將是簽署 CESL 的學生短期租約內容;布置成本最小化,並在大多數情況下已經包含服務費用。這是第一次來到這裡的學生,最簡單,最快捷,最合理的選擇。


  • 坐落在亞利桑那大學校園的中心,享有 CESL 專門為英語培訓,美國文化研究和特別課程提供的現代化教學設施。CESL 在亞利桑那大學校園的中心運營教室和管理 19547 平方英尺的大樓。因著建築物的內在價值和西南部的建築之美。已經註冊在美國的國家史蹟名錄中。


  • CESL 在亞利桑那大學校園的中心運營教室和管理 19547 平方英尺的大樓。因著建築物的內在價值和西南部的建築之美。已經註冊在美國的國家史蹟名錄中。CESL 已提供先進的計算機實驗室/電腦實驗室和許多的軟件/軟體自豪。多媒體語言實驗室有 26 台電腦,讓學生個人學習,並提供廣泛的軟件集合/軟體包。埃內斯坦 A .內夫紀念圖書館具有 3500 冊的藏書,提供 ESL 方法論的期刊,課程開發,課程管理和指導給教師參考,以及教室裡設有閱讀推車,使學生能夠廣泛閱讀。CESL 的圖書館員,將會協助教師和學生使用研究和網絡資源。


  • 學生的國籍包括墨西哥(25%),中東(22%),韓國(17%),日本(12%)和其他國家(24%)。百分比可能每個月變化。



Image 2019-08-27 16:34:50


Q: 想請問關於學校周邊環境問題,可以介紹一下週邊環境嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校附近的環境以下為您做個介紹。 坐落在亞利桑那大學校園的中心,享有 CESL 專門為英語培訓,美國文化研究和特別課程提供的現代化教學設施。CESL 在亞利桑那大學校園的中心運營教室和管理 19547 平方英尺的大樓。因著建築物的內在價值和西南部的建築之美。已經註冊在美國的國家史蹟名錄中。


1 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (4)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)

  • Review (4.8)

  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (4)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)

  • 學校評價 (4.8)

Image 2019-08-27 16:36:07



因為去附近旅行都很方便很近,因此常常與其他同學一起去旅行~~ 有很多很美好得回憶

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