專業顧問    商談諮詢


搜尋國家 美國

reviews (5)


University of Utah

English Language Institute
相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 100-150人
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • 1-801-581-4600
  • Fax
  • 1-801-585-9449
  • Address
  • 1901 E. South Campus Dr. (Annex) #2202 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9359


  • 大都市
  • 校內宿舍/宿舍
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫


  • - 學生可以在美麗而安全的地方環境學習美式英語,並在鹽湖城擁有美妙的文化和教育經驗。
    - 猶他州是世界著名的滑雪和滑雪板地區,同時附近著名的國家公園包括黃石和大峽谷。
    - ELI 在猶他州以創意,經驗豐富高素質的導師,致力於提升學生的成績聞名。

 English Language Institute 關於

  • 英語語言學院(ELI)致力於提供滿足或超乎學生期待的高質量/品質強化英語課程。 ELI 也提供以英語作為第二語言的課程,給所有國際學生和為了學術,專業和個人發展的目的而學習的全球化團體。 強化英語課程共分為八級,包含在學術和非學術環境中所有需要的溝通技巧。完成進階課程的 ELI 學生(7級和8)並且平均成績是 “B”或是以上時,可以申請猶他大學的本科/大學課程並不需要托福成績。 ELI 在猶他州以創意,經驗豐富高素質的導師,致力於提升學生的成績聞名。猶他州是世界著名的滑雪和滑雪板地區,但也有許多其他種類的冒險活動,包括溪川漂流,徒步,騎馬,山地自行車和動物觀賞也很受歡迎。附近還有著名的國家公園包括:黃石,大峽谷,布萊斯峽谷,錫安峽谷和拱門國家公園,具有令人難以置信的美麗風景,距離鹽湖城約半天的車程。


  • 猶他州立大學是在鹽湖城,猶他州,美國公共空間的男女同校贈研究型大學。隨著國家的旗艦大學,該大學提供超過 100 個本科專業和 90 多個研究生學位課程。研究生課程包括 S.J。法昆尼學院和醫學院,爵士隊的唯一的醫療學校的學校。隨著秋天 2012 年,有 24840 名本科生和 7,548 名研究生,為招生總數的32388 ;來自猶他州的83%來了,國外9%的到來。學生剛剛超過10%住校。該大學的運動隊,猶特,參加 NCAA 分部I競技(FBS足球)在太平洋中的一員 - 12會議。它的足球隊已獲得國家重視,近年來贏得了2005年節日碗和2009 年糖罐。該大學成立於1850年猶他州的大學由猶他州的臨時國家的大會,使之成為猶他州的最古老的高等教育機構。它接受了它的當前名字在 1892 年,前四年猶他建州實現,1900 年移動到現在的位置 。


  • 課程重點:
    英語語言學院(ELI)致力於提供滿足或超乎學生的期待,提供最高質量/品質的強化英語課程。 ELI 提供以學術為基礎的課程給國際學生獲當地的社區和大學生。誰在初級的學生(2級或3級)將需要至少六季(一年以上)來完成課程。如果他們在 ELI 從 4級開始就讀,則需五級(一整年)來完成我們的課程。如果你在 ELI 上不及格或者中途休學,將需要花更多時間才能完成學習。

    全日制強化英語課程旨在幫助誰想要最短的時間內以最高效方式學習的學生。新的學生將有分班考試,在到達學校後進行,以將學生安排到最適當級別的課程。課程分為 8 個級別,毎班將有 15 名學生。本課程的重點將放在語法,寫作,閱讀,聽力,口語。

    課程時間 : 
    毎周 18 個小時。

    8:20 - 9:30 am

    9:40 - 10:50 am

    11:10am - 12:20pm

    12:30 - 1:40 pm


    級別 1

    110/120: 文法/寫作

    130/140: 閱讀/字彙/ 聽力/口說

    級別 2

    210/220: 文法/寫作

    230/240: 閱讀/字彙/ 聽力/口說

    級別 3

    310/320: 文法/寫作

    330/340: 閱讀/字彙/ 聽力/口說


    級別 4 – 中級

    410: 文法介紹

    420: 寫作介紹

    430: 閱讀介紹


    級別 5 - 中級

    510: 中級 文法 I

    520: 中級 寫作 I

    530: 中級 閱讀 I

    540: 中級 聽力/口說 I

    級別 6 – 中級

    610: 中級 文法 II

    620: 中級 寫作 II

    630: 中級 閱讀 II

    640: 中級 聽力/口說 II


    級別 7

    710: 進階 文法 I

    720: 進階 寫作 I

    750: 大學準備 I

    740: 進階 聽力/口說

    級別 8

    810: 進階 文法 II

    820: 進階 寫作 II

    850: 大學準備 II

    860/870: 進階選修


修業規模 12 Students 修業期間 8, 16, 24, 32 Weeks
修業等級 8級 簽證情報 可以申請 I-20
最小年齡 18 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


※ 計畫行程開學日 8, 16, 24, 32可以選擇週(月)期間



學校註冊費 (USD)$ 75
學 費
8 Week 16 Week 24 Week 32 Week Week
(USD)$ 2,200 (USD)$ 4,400 (USD)$ 6,600 (USD)$ 8,800
Week Week Week Week Week


住宿申請費 (USD)$ 180
期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
8 weeks (USD)$ 1579


其他 (USD)$ 75    詳細內容


  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Health, Society and Policy
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Health, Society and Policy
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - History
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Human Development and Family Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Human Development and Family Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Human Development and Family Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Development and Family Studies
    $33,232.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Information Systems
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Information Systems
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Information Systems
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Information Systems
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information Systems
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information Systems
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - International Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - International Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - International Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Japanese
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Japanese
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Japanese
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Latin American Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Latin American Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Latin American Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Linguistics
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Management
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Management
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Management
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Management
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Marketing
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Marketing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Marketing
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Material Science and Engineering
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Material Science and Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Material Science and Engineering
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Metallurgical Engineering
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Metallurgical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Metallurgical Engineering
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Middle East Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Middle East Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Middle East Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Mining Engineering
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mining Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Accounting
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work
    $39,225.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Accounting
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Accounting
    $39,225.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $39,225.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    $39,225.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    $39,225.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Nursing
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Anthropology
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Operations Management
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Operations Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Operations Management
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Applied Mathematics
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Parks, Recreation & Tourism
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Architectural Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Parks, Recreation & Tourism
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Architectural Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Parks, Recreation & Tourism
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Architectural Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Parks, Recreation & Tourism
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Parks, Recreation & Tourism
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Parks, Recreation & Tourism
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Peace and Conflict Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Asian Studies
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Pharmacy Degree - Pharmacy
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Pharmacy Degree - Pharmacy
    Extended Accelerator - Pharmacy Degree - Pharmacy
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Atmospheric Sciences
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Atmospheric Sciences
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $21,652.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Atmospheric Sciences
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Ballet
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Ballet
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Philosophy
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Ballet
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Biology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Biology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Biology
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $31,810.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Biology
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physics
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biology
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Political Science
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Quantitative Analysis of Markets & Organizations
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering - Energy Engineering
    $21,437.00 USD
    $49.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Quantitative Analysis of Markets & Organizations
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering - Energy Engineering
    $23,019.00 USD
    $49.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Quantitative Analysis of Markets & Organizations
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering - Energy Engineering
    $39,019.00 USD
    $49.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Recreational Therapy
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Recreational Therapy
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Recreational Therapy
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Recreational Therapy
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Recreational Therapy
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Recreational Therapy
    $39,225.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $39,225.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    $21,652.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Chinese
    $21,652.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chinese

    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental and Sustainability Studies
    $39,225.00 USD


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 63.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Reading: 14.0, Min Writing: 14.0, Min Listening: 14.0, Min Speaking: 14.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)


※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 22,594
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  •  - 在大學校園裡提供校內住宿,但數量有限。價格根據單人或雙人房,一學年從 1579 美元到 2335 美元。
     - 在 OvECS 有限公司的網站上 www.azhomestay.com 提供寄宿家庭計劃
     - 對於校外住房,請參考猶他日報的分類廣告 www.dailyutahchronicle.com 或offcampushousing.utah.edu 的校外住宿。校外的一間臥室的公寓平均成本毎月為 $475,兩間臥室的公寓每月為 $600。


  • 鹽湖城是猶他的首都,以及前往國家著名的滑雪勝地,風景優美的國家公園和休閒區的要塞。鹽湖城是著名的滑雪目的地,主辦了 2002 年的冬奧會。滑雪者繼續湧到這裡,享受世界一流的設施和“地球上最驚艷的雪”。歷史悠久的摩門教大教堂廣場是著名的旅遊景點,城市還提供熱鬧的娛樂和夜生活。


  • 籃球場,食堂,電腦中心,健身中心,語言技術中心,圖書館,音樂練習室,休閒公園,小吃店,足球場,游泳池,網球場,輪椅通道


  • 學生的國籍包括中東(38%),日本(28%),韓國(16%),歐洲(8%)和其他亞洲國家。百分比可能每個月變化。


Image 2015-10-26 14:30:14


Q: 想請問關於猶他大學的課程問題,我目前通過台灣全民英檢初級,想要去猶他大學念語言學校的話,應該要上什麼課程好呢? A:感謝您來信詢問,關於課程的部分,推薦您密集英語課程。 課程重點: 英語語言學院(ELI)致力於提供滿足或超乎學生的期待,提供最高質量/品質的強化英語課程。 ELI 提供以學術為基礎的課程給國際學生獲當地的社區和大學生。誰在初級的學生(2級或3級)將需要至少六季(一年以上)來完成課程。如果他們在 ELI 從 4級開始就讀,則需五級(一整年)來完成我們的課程。


1 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)

  • Review (5)

  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)

  • 學校評價 (5)

Image 2015-10-26 14:33:42


課程為8週一個session,上課內容包含Grammar, Writing, Reading, Listening/Speaking。但在學校學習到的不單只有聽說讀寫,還有比這些更珍貴的「勇氣」。在台灣老是對「只要敢講、敢開口說就贏一半了」這個觀念感到不以為然,所以總擔心文法不對、音調錯誤而不敢開口。直到去到當地,我好像變了個人似的,突然不再擔心那些問題了。我想著大家都是去學習的, 也相信學英文就是要這樣,厚著臉皮不怕錯,錯最多的人最強,進步神速;沒有錯的人最弱,因為沒開口,當然不會錯。
班上同學來自日本、韓國、巴西、中國、沙烏地、泰國…等。不同的語言並不會讓我們有隔閡,反而讓我們交流更多千奇百怪的新奇文化。在學校最喜歡在課堂的空閒和大家聊天,因為每一個國家的文化都差很多,包含價值觀也是。好比日本人消費本來就很高,去到美國反而覺得價格很合理,台灣人看到每一餐都要台幣兩三百元,就覺得根本是搶劫!所以我們的口頭禪總是:「OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! 」藉此知道很多很有趣的事情,每天都在上文化交流課。


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