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reviews (4.6)


Western Illinois University (WIU)

Western English as Second Language
折價 相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 60人
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • (309) 298-2501
  • Fax
  • Address
  • Memorial Hall 309 / 1 University CircleMacomb, IL 61455 USA


  • 大都市
  • 校內宿舍/宿舍
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫
  • 附帶條件大學入學可能


  • - 西伊利諾伊大學中教授英語作為第二語言,為學生提供和平理想的校園,和由專業工作人員進行的個人護理。
    - 由西伊利諾伊大學高度承諾的條件式錄取。
    - 頻繁地進行課外活動,建立學生的團體意識。
    - 個別英語輔導,以提供學生學術上的幫助。

 Western English as Second Language 關於

  • 成立於 1977 年,教授英語作為第二語言(WESL)給多位國際學生及他們需要的英語能力。 WESL 普遍保持小班級規模,每間教室約有 10 名學生,為國際學生創造理想的學習環境。得到 CEA 的認可,WESL 招聘具有豐富經驗的 ESL 教師,能滿足外國學生的需要。身為設立在一所大學中的私人語言學院,WESL 以著條件式入學,承諾國際學生一個穩定的未來。 WESL 的主流課程,WESL 課程提供平等的教育,共分為三個的級別,按照學生的程度,把學生分配到自己最需要的環境。 WESL 的課程為學生提供美國和英國深刻的認識,以及為他們未來的學術發展建立深厚的基礎。


  • 首先在 1899 年以著西伊利諾伊正常和培訓學校的名字成立,於 1957 年更名為西伊利諾伊大學,如今提供各種學士,碩士學位和證書課程給超過 12200 名的學生。其主要的專業有心理學,生物學和法律執行。約有 90% 的 WIU 學生都來自伊利諾伊州,因此 WIU 擁有特別強健的校風。


  • 課程重點:
    WESL 強化英語課程旨在幫助學生順利進到美國大學。由專業工作人員的指導下,學生將準備進入自己夢想的學校。

    WESL傾註的個人護理和全力支持國際學生,讓他們在伊利諾伊州定居。教職員與學生的比例是極低的 1:16,重視學生。在 WESL 完成課程後,學生無需獲得托福 550 分或 79 網考,將可以享有條件式錄取。此外,ESL 的要求是在完成 WESL 的課程。

    每週 20 小時,教學將包括閱讀,寫作,聽力,口語理解,語法能力,綜合能立和研究寫作技巧。


修業規模 10 Students 修業期間 16, 32, 48 Weeks
修業等級 3 簽證情報 可以申請 I-20
最小年齡 18 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


※ 計畫行程開學日 16, 32, 48可以選擇週(月)期間



學校註冊費 (USD)$ 30
學 費
16 Week 32 Week 48 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 4,500 (USD)$ 9,000 (USD)$ 13,500
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
16 weeks (USD)$ 2685 (USD)$ 3000


其他 (USD)$ 350    詳細內容


  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • "Accountancy (Bachelor of Business)
    with options in 1) Management Accounting, & 2) Taxation"
    "Agriculture (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Agricultural Business, 2) Agricultural Science, & 3) Agriculture - Teacher Education"
    Anthropology (Bachelor of Arts)
    "Art (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Art Studio & 2) Graphic Design"
    "Art (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
    with options in 1) Art Studio, 2) Graphic Design, & 3) Art - Teacher Education"
    Bilingual/English as a Second Language Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    "Biology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Botany, 2) Microbiology, 3) Zoology, 4) Medical Sciences (Pre-Health Professionals), 5) Science/Biology - Teacher Education, & 6) Environmental Biology"
    "Broadcasting and Journalism (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Advertising and Public Relations, 2) Broadcast Production, 3) Multimedia Journalism, & 4) Sports Broadcasting"
    Business Analytics (Bachelor of Business)
    "Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Chemistry, 2) Biochemistry, 3) Pharmacy, & 4) Science/Chemistry - Teacher Education"
    "Civil Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    Clinical Laboratory Science (Bachelor of Science)
    "Communication (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Communication Studies, 2) Interpersonal Communication and Processes, 3) Social Influence, & 4) Organizational Communication"
    "Computer Science (Bachelor of Science)
    with emphases in 1) Computer Science, 2) Cyber Security, & 3) Big Data Technologies"
    Construction and Facilities Management (Bachelor of Science)
    Cyber Security (Bachelor of Science)
    Economics (Bachelor of Arts)
    Economics (Bachelor of Business)
    "Electrical Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    "Elementary Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    with options in 1) Elementary Education & 2) Early Childhood Education"
    Emergency Management (Bachelor of Science)
    "Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    with emphases in 1) General Engineering & 2) Industrial Engineering. **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    Engineering Technology (Bachelor of Science)
    "English (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Literature and Language & 2) English - Teacher Education"
    Exercise Science (Bachelor of Science)
    Finance (Bachelor of Business)
    "Fire Protection Services (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Fire Administration & 2) Fire Science"
    "Foreign Languages & Cultures (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) French, 2) Spanish, 3) French Teacher Education, & 4) Spanish Teacher Education"
    Forensic Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)
    General Studies (Bachelor of Arts)
    "Geographic Information Science (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Geoenvironment and Planning & 2) Geospatial Science"
    "Geology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Geology, 2) Paleontology, & 3) Environmental Geology"
    Health Services Management (Bachelor of Science)
    "History (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) History, 2) Pre-Law, & 3) History - Teacher Education"
    Human Resource Management (Bachelor of Business)
    "Information Systems (Bachelor of Science)
    with emphases in 1) Information Systems & 2) Cyber Security"
    Law Enforcement & Justice Administration (Bachelor of Science)
    Liberal Arts and Sciences (Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
    Management (Bachelor of Business)
    "Marketing (Bachelor of Business)
    with options in 1) Enterprise Marketing, 2) Marketing Technology, & 3) Omni-Channel Marketing"
    "Mathematics (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Mathematics, 2) Mathematics - Teacher Education, 3) Data Science and Statistics, & 4) Actuarial Science"
    "Mechanical Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    "Meteorology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Applied Meteorology, & 2) Operational Meteorology"
    "Middle Level Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    with emphases in 1) Literacy Endorsement, 2) Mathematics Endorsement, 3) Science Endorsement, & 4) Social Studies Endorsement"
    "Music (Bachelor of Music)
    with options in 1) Applied Music (electives in Instrumental Performance, Ensembles, Piano Performance, Vocal Performance, Jazz Studies, or Composition), 2) Music Business, 3) Music Therapy, & 4) Music - Teacher Education"
    Musical Theatre (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
    "Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
    with emphases in 1) Pre-Licensure & 2) RN-BSN Completion"
    "Nutrition and Dietetics (Bachelor of Science)
    (formerly Dietetics)"
    Nutrition and Foodservice Management (Bachelor of Science)
    Physical Education (Bachelor of Science)
    "Physics (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Standard Physics, 2) Engineering Physics, & 3) Science/Physics - Teacher Education"
    "Political Science (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Political Science - General, 2) American Government, 3) International Relations/Comparative Politics, 4) Pre-Law, & 5) Public Administration/Public Policy"
    "Psychology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Psychology & 2) Forensic Psychology"
    Public Health (Bachelor of Science)
    "Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration, 2) Adapted Recreation and Inclusion, 3) Community Organizations, 4) Outdoor Recreation, & 5) Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management"
    Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work)
    "Sociology (Bachelor of Arts)
    with emphases in 1) Sociology - General, 2) Deviance and Criminology, 3) Environment and Community, 4) Social Inequality, 5) Social Institutions, 6) Sociological Social Psychology, & 7) Sociology of Health and Illness"
    Special Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    Speech Pathology & Audiology (Bachelor of Science)
    Supply Chain Management (Bachelor of Business)
    "Theatre (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Performance & 2) Production/Design"


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 13,997
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • "Accountancy (Bachelor of Business)
    with options in 1) Management Accounting, & 2) Taxation"
    "Agriculture (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Agricultural Business, 2) Agricultural Science, & 3) Agriculture - Teacher Education"
    Anthropology (Bachelor of Arts)
    "Art (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Art Studio & 2) Graphic Design"
    "Art (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
    with options in 1) Art Studio, 2) Graphic Design, & 3) Art - Teacher Education"
    Bilingual/English as a Second Language Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    "Biology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Botany, 2) Microbiology, 3) Zoology, 4) Medical Sciences (Pre-Health Professionals), 5) Science/Biology - Teacher Education, & 6) Environmental Biology"
    "Broadcasting and Journalism (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Advertising and Public Relations, 2) Broadcast Production, 3) Multimedia Journalism, & 4) Sports Broadcasting"
    Business Analytics (Bachelor of Business)
    "Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Chemistry, 2) Biochemistry, 3) Pharmacy, & 4) Science/Chemistry - Teacher Education"
    "Civil Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    Clinical Laboratory Science (Bachelor of Science)
    "Communication (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Communication Studies, 2) Interpersonal Communication and Processes, 3) Social Influence, & 4) Organizational Communication"
    "Computer Science (Bachelor of Science)
    with emphases in 1) Computer Science, 2) Cyber Security, & 3) Big Data Technologies"
    Construction and Facilities Management (Bachelor of Science)
    Cyber Security (Bachelor of Science)
    Economics (Bachelor of Arts)
    Economics (Bachelor of Business)
    "Electrical Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    "Elementary Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    with options in 1) Elementary Education & 2) Early Childhood Education"
    Emergency Management (Bachelor of Science)
    "Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    with emphases in 1) General Engineering & 2) Industrial Engineering. **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    Engineering Technology (Bachelor of Science)
    "English (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Literature and Language & 2) English - Teacher Education"
    Exercise Science (Bachelor of Science)
    Finance (Bachelor of Business)
    "Fire Protection Services (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Fire Administration & 2) Fire Science"
    "Foreign Languages & Cultures (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) French, 2) Spanish, 3) French Teacher Education, & 4) Spanish Teacher Education"
    Forensic Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)
    General Studies (Bachelor of Arts)
    "Geographic Information Science (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Geoenvironment and Planning & 2) Geospatial Science"
    "Geology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Geology, 2) Paleontology, & 3) Environmental Geology"
    Health Services Management (Bachelor of Science)
    "History (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) History, 2) Pre-Law, & 3) History - Teacher Education"
    Human Resource Management (Bachelor of Business)
    "Information Systems (Bachelor of Science)
    with emphases in 1) Information Systems & 2) Cyber Security"
    Law Enforcement & Justice Administration (Bachelor of Science)
    Liberal Arts and Sciences (Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
    Management (Bachelor of Business)
    "Marketing (Bachelor of Business)
    with options in 1) Enterprise Marketing, 2) Marketing Technology, & 3) Omni-Channel Marketing"
    "Mathematics (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Mathematics, 2) Mathematics - Teacher Education, 3) Data Science and Statistics, & 4) Actuarial Science"
    "Mechanical Engineering** (Bachelor of Science)
    **Offered in the Quad Cities; can take first two years in Macomb and transfer to QC for the rest"
    "Meteorology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Applied Meteorology, & 2) Operational Meteorology"
    "Middle Level Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    with emphases in 1) Literacy Endorsement, 2) Mathematics Endorsement, 3) Science Endorsement, & 4) Social Studies Endorsement"
    "Music (Bachelor of Music)
    with options in 1) Applied Music (electives in Instrumental Performance, Ensembles, Piano Performance, Vocal Performance, Jazz Studies, or Composition), 2) Music Business, 3) Music Therapy, & 4) Music - Teacher Education"
    Musical Theatre (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
    "Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
    with emphases in 1) Pre-Licensure & 2) RN-BSN Completion"
    "Nutrition and Dietetics (Bachelor of Science)
    (formerly Dietetics)"
    Nutrition and Foodservice Management (Bachelor of Science)
    Physical Education (Bachelor of Science)
    "Physics (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Standard Physics, 2) Engineering Physics, & 3) Science/Physics - Teacher Education"
    "Political Science (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Political Science - General, 2) American Government, 3) International Relations/Comparative Politics, 4) Pre-Law, & 5) Public Administration/Public Policy"
    "Psychology (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Psychology & 2) Forensic Psychology"
    Public Health (Bachelor of Science)
    "Recreation, Park & Tourism Administration (Bachelor of Science)
    with options in 1) Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration, 2) Adapted Recreation and Inclusion, 3) Community Organizations, 4) Outdoor Recreation, & 5) Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management"
    Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work)
    "Sociology (Bachelor of Arts)
    with emphases in 1) Sociology - General, 2) Deviance and Criminology, 3) Environment and Community, 4) Social Inequality, 5) Social Institutions, 6) Sociological Social Psychology, & 7) Sociology of Health and Illness"
    Special Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)
    Speech Pathology & Audiology (Bachelor of Science)
    Supply Chain Management (Bachelor of Business)
    "Theatre (Bachelor of Arts)
    with options in 1) Performance & 2) Production/Design"


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 12,332
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 提供學生校內宿舍和校外住宿的選擇。第一種選擇學生將花費大量的時間與其他學生,自然而然使學生能參與更多學校活動和其他社交場合。因此提供學生與美國文化互動理想的機會。另一方面,住在校外的學生將給予許多的隱私。雖然學校可以提供學生選擇的基本資訊,但學生必須在抵達學校前自行安排校外住宿。


  • WESL 非常鼓励学生在社会和文化上加入自己周围的团体。因此,学生们经常前往世界着名的城市和景点。如芝加哥壮丽大道,圣路易斯的河船巡游,六旗游乐园,皮奥里亚野生动物园,卡特彼勒公司,四城市的总部负责人约翰·迪尔,帕特南博物馆,林肯斯普林菲尔德的家,亚伯拉罕·林肯总统图书馆博物馆等,都是学生真正体验伊利诺伊州,需要参观必不可少的地方。


  • WIU 為學生提供多種設施,如游泳中心,健身工作室,以及會議室,娛樂方案和討論會。


Image 2015-10-02 14:39:47


A: 想請問關於西伊利諾大學住宿的問題,網站中有提到有兩種住宿方式,請問可以再詳盡解說關於兩種住宿問題嗎? Q: 您好,感謝您來信詢問,以下將為您做解答。 關於住宿的部分,學校方面有校內宿舍和校外住宿的選擇。第一種選擇使學生能參與更多學校活動和其他社交場合。因此提供學生與美國文化互動理想的機會。另一方面,住在校外的學生將給予許多的隱私。雖然學校可以提供學生選擇的基本資訊,但學生必須在抵達學校前自行安排校外住宿。> > > A: 想請問關於西伊利諾大學住宿的問題,網站中有提到有兩種住宿方式,請問可以再詳盡解說關於兩種住宿問題嗎?  

Q: 您好,感謝您來信詢問,以下將為您做解答。 > 關於住宿的部分,學校方面有校內宿舍和校外住宿的選擇。第一種選擇使學生能參與更多學校活動和其他社交場合。因此提供學生與美國文化互動理想的機會。另一方面,住在校外的學生將給予許多的隱私。雖然學校可以提供學生選擇的基本資訊,但學生必須在抵達學校前自行安排校外住宿。 >


1 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (4)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (4)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)

  • Review (4.6)

  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 (4)
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 (4)
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 (5)

  • 學校評價 (4.6)

Image 2015-10-02 14:46:52



班上的阿拉伯學生佔多數,也有墨西哥學生和一些小國家的學生,其中我發現阿拉伯學生滿喜歡搶著回答老師問題的,不像台灣學生那麼內向,明明知道答案是什麼卻不好意思舉手發言,我對於他們的勇躍發言不怕答錯的精神很佩服,這是我們該學習的,但這僅只限於男性,因為風俗文化的關係,他們的女性非常的安靜,除非你和她們說話,否則她不太會主動說話。在一次的課堂中,老師把不同國家的學生放在一起做討論,讓我們彼此能夠更了解彼此的文化習俗,內容包括結婚、重要節日、宗教等等。 世界雖然大,但因為科技的發達、語言的流通,使的人與人之間的交往更加的頻繁。


Like 2008 I LIke