專業顧問    商談諮詢


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University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Tutorium in Intensive English (TIE)
宣傳冊 相片集 親自向學校詢問



  • 正式成員(在學生數)
  • 140人
  • 接機
  • Telephone
  • 312.996.8098
  • Fax
  • 312.996.4394
  • Address
  • Tutorium in Intensive English University of Illinois, Chicago Mail Code 324 1333 South Halsted St., Room 260 Chicago , Illinois , 60607 , U.S.A.


  • 大都市
  • 寄宿家庭
  • 校內宿舍/宿舍
  • 學校外住宿設施
  • 大學計畫


  • - 支持TESOL的專業和領域貢獻知識
    - 提前UIC的卓越聲譽和作為國際,多民族,多文化,多種族和學習社區形象
    - 提供英語作為第二語言教學,使非母語掌握必要的技能,以滿足他們的學術,專業,社會和個人目標
    - 保持在支持USC碩士學位課程的TESOL(英語教學的其他語言發言者)模型強化英語課程

 Tutorium in Intensive English (TIE) 關於

  • 成立於1978年,Tutorium強化英語已經在伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校的校園,提供國際學生超過30年。我們的老師都是經驗豐富,在英語教學的高級學位作為第二語言,應用語言學或相關領域的專業人士。我們的大多數老師都是全職。他們定期參加專業發展活動和專業的服務。例如,他們參加當地和國際會議,進行演示和研討會,向有關委員會,深造,並發表文章。我們為在這樣的專業活動的參與,以全體員工的大力支持。我們的強化英語課程是芝加哥最高度認可的程序。該Tutorium持有大學成員和學院強化英語課程(UCIEP)和強化英語課程的協會(AAIEP)。該Tutorium的英語強​​化課程是委員會英語語言課程認證(CEA)*。*的Tutorium的密集英語課程在伊利諾伊大學芝加哥大學委員會認可的英語語言課程認證(CEA)由期間認可2007年12月至2016年12月,並同意堅持的英語課程和機構CEA標準。


  • 芝加哥伊利諾斯大學坐落在世界上最偉大的城市之一的心臟地帶,是該地區的教育,科技和文化結構的重要組成部分。作為芝加哥唯一的公立研究型大學2.9萬人的學生,15個學院,一所醫院和健康科學的系統,UIC為您提供訪問卓越與機遇。



  • 強化英語課程是英文一個全面的,非信貸計劃的其他語言的人。它是專為誰願意學習英語或改善他們的大學學習或為商業和職業發展的語言命令動機的個人。




修業規模 12 Students 修業期間 6, 13 Weeks
修業等級 6 簽證情報 發放I-20許可書
最小年齡 17 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • 沒有特別得


2025-01-03 2024-08-14
※ 計畫行程開學日 6, 13可以選擇週(月)期間



學校註冊費 (USD)$ 175
學 費
8 Week 16 Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 3,750 (USD)$ 6,250
Week Week Week Week Week


住宿申請費 (USD)$ 200
期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施
6 weeks (USD)$ 800 (USD)$ 1500
13 weeks (USD)$ 2400 (USD)$ 2100




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology: General Psychology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology: General Psychology
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Public Health
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Health
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Health
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Public Policy
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation Sciences
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation Sciences
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Rehabilitation Sciences
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Russian
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Russian
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Russian
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish Economics
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish Economics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish Economics
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Statistics
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Statistics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Statistics
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of English
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of English
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of English
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of French
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of French
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of French
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of German
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of German
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of German
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of History
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of History
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of History
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Teaching of Mathematics
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Teaching of Mathematics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Teaching of Mathematics
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of Spanish
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of Spanish
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Teaching of Spanish
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Theater and Performance
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theater and Performance
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theater and Performance
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Theater Design, Production and Technology
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theater Design, Production and Technology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theater Design, Production and Technology
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Urban Education
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Urban Education
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Urban Education
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Urban Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Urban Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Urban Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Acting
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - African American Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - African American Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - African American Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Architectural Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Architectural Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Architectural Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Architecture
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Architecture
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Architecture
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Bioengineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Classical Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Classical Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Classical Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Computer Systems
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Computer Systems
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Computer Systems
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Human-Centered Computing
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Human-Centered Computing
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Human-Centered Computing
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Software Engineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Software Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science: Software Engineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Criminology, Law and Justice
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Criminology, Law and Justice
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Criminology, Law and Justice
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Disability and Human Development
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Disability and Human Development
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Disability and Human Development
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering Management
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering Management
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering Physics
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering Physics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering Physics
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - English
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Entrepreneurship
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Entrepreneurship
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Entrepreneurship
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Finance
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - French and Francophone Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French and Francophone Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French and Francophone Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Gender and Women's Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Gender and Women's Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Gender and Women's Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Germanic Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Germanic Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Germanic Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Germanic Studies with Business Minor
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Germanic Studies with Business Minor
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Germanic Studies with Business Minor
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Design - Graphic Design
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Design - Graphic Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Design - Graphic Design
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - History
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Human Development and Learning
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Human Development and Learning
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Human Development and Learning
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Design - Industrial Design
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Design - Industrial Design
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Design - Industrial Design
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Information and Decision Sciences
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information and Decision Sciences
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information and Decision Sciences
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Integrated Design and Arts (Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts)
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Integrated Design and Arts (Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts)
    Extended Accelerator - Integrated Design and Arts (Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts)
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music - Jazz Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Jazz Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Jazz Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $30,900.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $43,000.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bacheor of Science - Human Resrouce Management
    $30,900.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology: Exercise Science and Health Promotion
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Resource Management
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology: Exercise Science and Health Promotion
    Extemded Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Human Resource Management
    $43,000.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology: Exercise Science and Health Promotion
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Integrated Health Science - Concentration in Behavioral Health
    $30,900.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology: Movement Science
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Integrated Health Science - Concentration in Behavioral Health
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology: Movement Science
    Extended Accelerator - Integrated Health Science - Concentration in Behavioral Health
    $43,000.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology: Movement Science
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Integrated Health Science - Concentration in Health and Science
    $30,900.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Integrated Health Science - Concentration in Health and Science
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Integrated Health Science - Concentration in Health and Science
    $43,000.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Management
    $30,900.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Management
    $43,000.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    $30,900.00 USD


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • International Direct
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 80.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80 (Min Reading: 16.0, Min Writing: 16.0, Min Listening: 16.0, Min Speaking: 16.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-13 2024-08-26
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費        詳細內容
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 30,900
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。


  • Master of Architecture

    Master of Arts - Applied Economics
    $27,468.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Art History
    $31,880.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Communication
    $28,006.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Latin American and Latino Studies
    $28,006.00 USD

    Master of Arts - Political Science
    $28,006.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Accounting
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Business Analytics
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Economics
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Entrepreneurship
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Finance
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - International Business Administration
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Management
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Management Information Systems
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Marketing
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Operations and Supply Chain Management
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Real Estate
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Self-Directed
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of City Design
    $33,006.00 USD

    Master of Education - Early Childhood Education
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Instructional Leadership - Education Studies
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Instructional Leadership - Policy Studies
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Language, Literacies and Learning
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Science Education
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Special Education
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Education - Youth Development
    $28,066.00 USD

    Master of Energy Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Public Administration - Financial Management
    $30,674.00 USD

    Master of Public Administration - Nonprofit Management
    $30,674.00 USD

    Master of Public Administration - Public Management
    $30,674.00 USD

    Master of Public Administration - Public Policy
    $30,674.00 USD

    Master of Public Administration - Self-Directed MPA
    $30,674.00 USD

    Master of Public Administration - Urban Governance and Management
    $30,674.00 USD

    Master of Science - Accounting
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Science - Bioengineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Bioinformatics
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Business Analytics
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering and Management
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Material Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Mechanics
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Structural Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Sustainable Infrastructure
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Transportation Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Water Resources Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Computer Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Finance
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Management Information Systems
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Science - Marketing
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Construction Engineering and Management
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Material Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Mechanics
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Structural Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Sustainable Infrastructure
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Transportation Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Materials Engineering - Water Resources Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    $32,506.00 USD

    Master of Science - Supply Chain and Operations Management
    $25,802.00 USD

    Master of Social Work
    $28,802.00 USD

    Master of Urban Planning and Policy
    $33,006.00 USD


修業期間 52 Weeks 宿舍設施 寄宿家庭, 學校內宿舍/住宿, 學校外住宿設施


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 80 (Min Reading: 19.0, Min Writing: 21.0, Min Listening: 17.0, Min Speaking: 20.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission
    Other test requirements: GRE Test required
    Min GRE requirement: ()


2025-01-13 2024-08-26
※ 計畫行程開學日 52可以選擇週(月)期間



學 費
學 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 34,290
Week Week Week Week Week


期間 寄宿家庭 學校內宿舍/住宿 學校外宿舍設施




  • *日期和費用為近似值,如有更改恕不另行通知。

位 置

住 宿

  • 校內住宿





  • 芝加哥是美國第三大城市。芝加哥是一個友好的城市,擁有豐富的文化為學生提供。


  • SCAILAB(學生計算機輔助教學實驗室),強化英語計算機實驗室的Tutorium,位於亞當斯廳對UIC校園東側一樓。每個在SCAILAB四個教室大約有20台工作站,其中包括所有的各種語言學習軟件和應用程序。


  • 強化英語課程提供了實地考察和社交活動,幫助學生探究美國文化。實地考察也是學生看到芝加哥市的一個很好的方式,練習英語,結交新朋友。




0 有對學校的建議平價
  • 課程滿足度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 學校設施 氣氛

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 講師及學校負責人之滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 學業外活動之滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()
  • 宿舍設施滿意度

  • 學校評價 ()

  • Review (0)